How to find us

Address of Itella office, warehouse and parcel terminal – Dzirnieku street 24, Marupe, Marupes district, LV-2167.

We can be easily reached by driving from Riga by bus route 22 to the stop “Priežkalni” or the destination “Airport”, and then measuring the remaining short distance on foot. The distance from both stops to our office is similar.

If you have decided to drive, then choose the direction to the airport “Riga”. As you approach the airport and pass the warehouse complex Lidostas Parks, take the left side lane, at the intersection, wait for the green traffic light of the additional section and turn off the highway. Continue on the right side of the road. Our office will be on the left side of the road.

If you come to receive the shipment, you will be able to park your car in the parking lot of the delivery point.

If you would like to receive advice from our sales specialists or if you have an appointment with other representatives of our company, please follow the instructions and park the car in such a way that it does not interfere with the movement of freight transport.

There is a parking / charging place for electric cars in the territory of the logistics park and a specially marked parking place for people with special needs.

In the new premises, we have also thought about additional conveniences for recipients, creating a special parcel point with a Smartpost parcel terminal for those Customers who choose to receive the parcel in our office.

Itella office and parcel point opening hours every working day from 8.30 to 18:00.

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